What’s your schedule look like? Keeping your glucose stable throughout the day requires thoughtful planning.
When trying to keep your glucose in check, snacks can make things tricky. Many snacks on the market are packed with refined sugars and highly processed ingredients. They are full of the ingredients we don’t want and lack the nutrition we do want.
But you can make snacking a part of your balanced, glucose-friendly diet with some of these healthy, but tasty, choices.
Banana-coconut bites: These bites are perfect for when you need something more grab-and-go. All you need is: one banana, two tablespoons of shredded coconut, and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Mash the banana in a bowl until creamy, then mix in the coconut and cinnamon.
Drop mixture by spoonful onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and flatten slightly. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes and enjoy.
Veggies & houmous: Vegetables like carrots, celery, cucumbers, and bell peppers are the perfect snack. They are full of fibre and low in calories. They also pair perfectly with houmous which adds flavour and is packed with protein and healthy fats to fill you up without weighing you down.
Fruit & nuts: Fruits like apples, oranges, pears, and berries are packed with vitamins and minerals. Pair them with a handful of nuts and you have yourself a nutritious, simple snack. Nuts deliver an added crunch while providing healthy fats and protein to keep you satisfied until your next meal.
A final note from Lingo
Snacking doesn’t need to be a barrier to good glucose management. Choosing balanced options and steering away from sugary, highly processed foods can help keep you steady as well as fill you up until your next meal.
The Lingo system is not for medical use and intended for users 18 years and older. Lingo is not intended for diagnosis or management of any disease including diabetes.
The Lingo programme does not guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results as individual responses may vary. It is best to speak to your doctor for advice on starting any diet or exercise regime or if you have an eating disorder or a history of eating disorders.
© 2025 Abbott. All rights reserved. The biosensor housing, Lingo, and related marks are marks of the Abbott group of companies. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.