Cracking the food labels code

Cracking the food labels code

Your days are busy. Our days are busy. Most people’s days are busy. You don’t always have time to prepare all your food from scratch every day. Some recipes also may require ingredients you don’t use very often or are overly difficult to find.  

On the other hand, when you reach for the more convenient, packaged foods, they aren’t always the dictionary definition of health. However, Lingo can help you navigate those aisles with ease.

Making simple swaps is a good place to start. Look for alternatives to your favourite sauces, dressings, and packaged foods. Reach for options with less sugar to lower the impact these common ingredients have on your daily glucose. To avoid spending extra time in the supermarket reviewing labels, here are a few simple things to remember:

  • If sugar is in the first few ingredients, the food is more likely to spike your glucose. And sugar goes by many names: corn syrup, fruit concentrate, honey, agave, maple syrup and dextrose. You can find a full list or hidden sugar names here.
  • Look for foods that have high levels of protein and fiber on the Nutrition Facts. These help your glucose stay steady.
  • The United Kingdom’s National Health Service categorises foods with less than 5 grams of sugar per 100 grams as a low-sugar food, and a food with over 22 grams of free sugar per 100 grams as a high-sugar food.

All this doesn’t mean you have to avoid your favourite gelato or biscuits. Even if you buy a high-sugar food , you can always use the tips Lingo gives you to reduce the spike those foods are more likely to cause. Also remember to have a balanced meal beforehand with plenty of fibrous vegetables, protein, and healthy fats. Use your muscles before or after the meal, and review the portion sizes on the label and stick to them. Finally, slow down. Enjoy your food. Lingo’s goal is to show you how to appreciate the foods you love while reducing the impact on your glucose and maximising the impact on your health.

July 19, 2023


  1. National Health Service. (n.d.). Sugar: the facts. Retrieved February 3, 2023, from

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